Who we are

Who we are, what we do, and how we do it.

AECO at a glance

AECO Innovation Lab is a digital transformation partner, bringing together the best from industry, academia, and government to provide collaborative, innovative, research driven answers to challenging industry problems.  We want to create an environment for government and industry to work together to achieve faster, greener, better building solutions for society.​

We are the originators and implementers of One Ontario and the One Ontario solution. ​ 

Our mission

AECO Innovation Lab is dedicated to breaking down silos and increasing the productivity of AEC and government institutions by providing a hub for collaboration, knowledge sharing, and digital transformation. 

Our vision

AECO Innovation Lab empowers the architecture, engineering, construction, and associated government sector by connecting stakeholders to produce research driven, innovative, commercial solutions that tangibly improve business outcomes. 

The Leadership Team

Our leadership team is committed to delivering an environment of collaboration and innovation throughout the company and to transform the most revolutionary research into real-world solutions for AEC companies and governments.

Our Experts

Our Experts help shape the digital landscape across AEC industries, driving technology breakthroughs the sector has sought for decades.